The Bursary Allowance
Who is eligible for the bursary scheme?
To be eligible to receive a bursary a learner must :
- be aged under 19 on 31 August in the academic year in which you start your programme of study or where you have turned 19 during your programme of study, you can continue to be supported to the end of the academic year in which you turn 19, or to the end of your programme of study, whichever is sooner.
- Learners aged over 19 with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) may apply for a discretionary bursary, as long as they also meet the other scheme criteria.
Financial support is based on the individual needs of the learner. Mandatory and discretionary bursary.
Learners could receive a bursary of £5 per day if they are in one of the following groups:
Mandatory bursary
- People in care or care leavers
- people claiming Income Support
- disabled people getting Employment and Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance
Learners could receive a bursary of £5 per day if anyone in their household claims any of the following benefits
Discretionary bursary
- Universal Credit / Income Support
- Working Tax Credit
- Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credits
What evidence needs to be provided?
Learners must provide evidence in order to demonstrate their eligibility for either the mandatory or discretionary bursary. This includes identification in the form of a birth certificate, passport or photographic driving license. And a headed letter showing entitlement to one of the benefits described above. The letter needs to show the current entitlement, and we are unable to accept out of date documents. Alternatively, a bank statement, dated within the last 3 months, which clearly shows the type of payment being received, can also be used to demonstrate eligibility.
What can the bursary be used for?
The Bursary should help to remove barriers to learners engaging with their learning programme. We may be able to help towards the costs of clothing and shoes, personal care products, stationery and other costs associated with your course. Funding is based on a learner following a full-time programme of education.
Are there any conditions attached to the scheme?
Yes. Trinity Academy New Bridge will discuss a ‘Learner Agreement’ at the beginning of the programme and talk about the standards of attendance and behaviour we consider acceptable. Bursary awards will be conditional on individuals meeting the requirements of the learner Agreement.
Free School Meals
While following a study programme, learners may be entitled to receive a ‘free meal’ for each day that they attend a training centre and/or a cash allowance of £2.41 for each day that they attend a work experience placement, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria as set out by the DFE / EFA. Each learner will need to complete the ‘Free meal’ eligibility questions within the application.
How is bursary paid?
Payments will only be made into the learner's own bank account by a process called BACS transfer.
It is essential that they have a bank account in their name as payments can only be made into this account via a bank transfer. Cash payments will not be made.
It is important to make sure that the bank is able to accept BACS transfer before providing bank account details. Post Office accounts and some Credit Unions do not accept BACS payments.
Learners having difficulties opening an account should contact a Trinity Academy New Bridge staff member who may be able to provide support.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
You can speak to a member of the Trinity Academy New Bridge Team on 0191 2986950 Option 4.
What happens if my financial or living circumstances change?
If you have a change of personal circumstances such as a change of address or household income, you must let us know immediately in writing.
Any overpayments will be repayable.
You can write to us at:
Trinity Academy New Bridge
Craigshaw Road